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With workspace you can create a temporary directory for your data on /work. It is intended for temporary data storage. The current maximum duration is 30 days (with extendability) swith a quota of 1 TB. The workspace is not backed up and will be deleted 7 days after the expiration date.

Creating a workspace

To create a workspace, use ws_allocate <name> <duration>.

For example:

ws_allocate MySpace 10

This creates a workspace named MySpace for 10 days. The command returns the path to the new directory. The maximum allowed duration is 30 days. If you do not set a time the workspace duration is 1 day.

Listing workspaces

Use ws_list to list owned workspaces. Options include verbosity and sorting.

Releasing workspaces

Use ws_release <name> to release a workspace. This makes the ID reusable but does not delete data immediately. The releases workspace is stored for additional 7 days before it is deleted. Real deletion usually occurs during the nighttime. During these 7 days it can be restored and still counts towards your quota. You can also delete data from a workspace before releasing it. This way you can free up space before the workspace is released.

Restoring a workspace

First create a new workspace to which the data from the released workspace should be restored. To restore the data, use ws_restore <workspace~to~restore> <new~workspace~name>.

For example:

ws_restore ku294muny-test-1713162655 newworkspace

This restores the date from the workspace named ku294muny-test-1713162655 to the workspace newworkspace. To see a list of restorable workspaces, use ws_restore -l.

Extending workspaces

Extend a workspace using ws_extend -x <name> <days>. Each call consumes an extension, unless the new expiration date is shorter than the previous one. You can extend the workspace 6 times, which means a maximum workspace duration of 180 days.

Reminder eMails

Set a reminder email before a workspace expires with

ws_send_ical <workspace~name> "<your~email>".


Create a group workspace with -g. Use -G <groupname> for writable group workspaces like ws_allocate <name> <duration> -g -G "domain users". This shares (writable) the folder with every user. Share workspaces (read only) with ws_share share <workspace> <username>.

To see a a list of users the workspace is shared with, use ws_share list <workspace~name>.