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Group Management

A manageable group can be requested via the corresponding form.

Managed groups can be used to simplify access management for your work directories. By that permissions can be granted to multiple users at once (members of the group) instead to single users.

Please reference File Permissions or Workspaces for references regarding permissions.

Groups will be valid for one year. One month before expiration, you will receive a notification. After that you can request an extension for the group by requesting it again via the referenced form above (just add a comment regarding extension).

Manage Group

After you requested a manageable group like stated above, you can log in at the SC Portal.

On the left-hand side of your account management you should see all groups listed, that you manage.

When clicking on the group, you should see a list of all contained users as well as their corresponding role (manager or member).

If you need to remove / add a manager please contact us.

To add new members you need the usernames of the users you want to add. Just put them into a .csv file where each row represents one username. Don't use any header.

If you want to add the usernames abc123def and ghi345jkl the .csv file should have the following structure:


Uploaded usernames get validated. A search for users is currently not implemented due to data privacy reasons.

Please be aware that the group managers are responsible for keeping the members of their groups up to date. Users will only be removed automatically if their university account no longer exists.